
Welcome Spring!

March has just appeared and so has Spring. Almond trees are blooming everywhere making the scenery look like a picture from a fairytale and  poppies are ready to show their red heart. So, it’s time for us to prep our vehicles and get ready for a colorful  private spring tour around Greece, admiring nature and all the miracles she so lavishly gives us. So grab your camera and roam with us. It’s our time to escape from our shells and finally breathe the flower-scented air.

Presidential Mansion Evzones - Tsoliás (Change of the Guard)

The Evzones or Evzonoi were several historical elite light infantry and mountain units of the Greek Army. Today, they are the members of the Presidential Guard a ceremonial unit that guards the Greek Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Presidential Mansion in Athens.

 An Evzone is also known, colloquially, as a Tsoliás. Evzones are known for their distinctive uniform, which evolved from the clothes worn by the klephts who fought the Ottoman occupation of Greece.

Arachova - Traveling and enjoying Greece

Summer might be over but that does not stop us from traveling and enjoying Greece because there are so many other colors she has to show us. Now it’s time to go higher, explore the mountains and secret spots in the beautiful forests of Greece!
Enjoy an 8 hours Private tour to Delphi, known also as the navel of the world. Visit the archaeological area and discover the unique Delphi Sanctuary with the famous Oracle.
